Digikids is an initiative that aims to digitally empower children globally.


Our Mission

We seek to identify areas afflicted by an acute digital divide, as it relates to education, and work with local communities to develop and implement projects to address specific inequalities to help close the gap in access to modern information and communications technology. 


According to the Merriam-Webster's dictionary, the digital divide is "the economic, educational, and social inequalities between those who have computers and online access and those who do not". In our technology dependent society, access to computers has become an absolute necessity; and even more importantly, knowing how to use one. The disparity that the digital divide creates has become a globally recognized issue.

As you can see on one end of the spectrum, countries like the United States have 49.74-89 computers per every 100 people. On the other end of the spectrum countries like Pakistan have between 0-4.54 computers for every 100 people. I specifically had an opportunity to experience this disparity first-hand when I was volunteering in India.

The last two summers, I had the opportunity of working with middle school children at an orphanage in India. I learned that in some of the local schools there were as few as two computers for a school of about 800 students. In this case, not only do the children have very little knowledge in the operation of a computer, the also have almost no access to a computer in the first place. It was sch real, concrete examples like this that inspired me to create an initiative like digikids.